Vielen Dank $name für Deinen Eintrag!
"; // The message to display, if there is an error $errormessage="

Oops! Du hast entweder deinen Namen
oder die Mitteilung vergessen!

"; // Defines, if special characters should be converted to their html equivalents like > to > // 1 enables and 0 disables this feature $specialchars=1; // Defines, if Ascii linebreaks (people pressing enter while filling the form should become // html linebreaks
// 1 enables and 0 disables this feature $linebreaks=1; // Entrytext, displayed every time the guestbooks gets loaded $entrytext = "Gästebuch"; // Maximal length of the words, to prevent someone killing your layout $maxwordlength = 30; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adding a new entry to the data file ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if ($edit == "yes"){ // test if someone forgot to enter spaces. $spaces = explode(" ",$message); for ($i=0;$i $maxwordlength) $bozo="yes"; } $spaces = explode(" ",$name); for ($i=0;$i $maxwordlength) $bozo="yes"; } // When there is missing data, display the errormessage and reprint the form if ($name == "" || $message =="" || $bozo == "yes"){ echo $errormessage."\n"; if ($bozo = "yes") echo "Bitte die leeren Felder ausfüllen und nochmals Speichern!"; echo "
*Name:   Ihre Mitteilung/ Ihr Text:*
Ihre Webseite:

"; } // If all the entries are correct, display thanksmessage add to datafile else { echo $thanksmessage."\n"; // Change % and # to percent and no, to avoid wrong splitting of the data. $message = eregi_replace("#","no.",$message); $message = eregi_replace("%","percent",$message); $name = eregi_replace("#","no.",$name); $name = eregi_replace("%","percent",$name); // When specialchars are to be replaced... if ($specialchars==1){ $message=htmlentities($message); $name=htmlentities($name); } // When ASCII Linebreaks should become
s if ($linebreaks==1){$message = nl2br($message);} // When there is no datafile yet, create a new one if (!file_exists($filelocation)) { $newfile = fopen($filelocation,"w+"); fclose($newfile); } // Add the data to the end of the datafile $newfile = fopen($filelocation,"a+"); $add = "%".$name."#".$email."#".$url."#".date("F jS Y")."#".$message."\n"; fwrite($newfile, $add); fclose($newfile); } } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Introduction Screen when there is no data from the form ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if ($action != "view" && $action !="new"){ if ($edit=="yes"){ echo "

Gästebuch ansehen

"; } else { echo "


" ; echo "

Gästebuch ansehen
Neuer Eintrag ins Gästebuch

"; } } // If the guestbook is displayed, show the sign Guestbook Link if ($action == "view"){echo "

Neuer Eintrag ins Gästebuch

";} // If someone enters data, allow him to go back to the Guestbook if ($action == "new"){echo "

Gästebuch ansehen

";} /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Display the guestbook ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if ($action=="view"){ // When there is no data file, create a new one and say there are no entries. if (!file_exists($filelocation)) { $newfile = fopen($filelocation,"w+"); fclose($newfile); echo "There are no entries yet"; } // Open the datafile and read the content $newfile = fopen($filelocation,"r"); $content = fread($newfile, filesize($filelocation)); fclose($newfile); // Remove the slashes PHP automatically puts before special characters $content=stripslashes($content); // Put the entries into the array lines $lines = explode("%",$content); // Define and fill the reverse array (showing the last entry first) $rev=array(); for ($i=sizeof($lines)-1;$i>0;$i--){array_push($rev,$lines[$i]);} $lines=$rev; // Display all the entries of the guestbook while(list($key)= each ($lines)){ /* / split the data lines into a user array / user[0] is the name, [1] is the email, [2] is the url [3] is the date and [4] the message */ $urladd=""; $mailadd=""; $user = explode("#",$lines[$key]); // if there is an email, display an email link if ($user[1] != ""){$mailadd="email";} // if there is a url, display a link if ($user[2] != ""){ // if people were dumb enough not to add http:// do so if (substr($user[2],0,7)!= "http://"){ $user[2]="http://".$user[2]; } $urladd="Webseite"; } // Display the entries, here you can tweak HTML echo "
"; } } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Add a new entry to the guestbook, display the rules and show the form. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if ($action == "new"){ echo "
*Name:   Ihre Mitteilung/ Ihr Text:*
Ihre Webseite:

*Diese Felder müssen ausgefüllt werden!
"; } // If the guestbook is displayed, show the sign Guestbook Link if ($action == "view"){echo "

Neuer Eintrag ins Gästebuch

";} // If someone enters data, allow him to go back to the Guestbook if ($action == "new"){echo "

";} echo "\n\n\n\n"; ?>